Hair Loss Grade

Hair Loss Grade

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Hair Loss Grade

1. Male

1.1. Grade 1 Hair Loss

The hairline is normal, generally, you do not need to implement hair transplant surgery. However, if there is hair loss, carefully observe the changes in the two frontal corners. Hair loss often starts here.

1.2. Grade 2 hair loss

The hairline is receding and the forehead is slightly higher. The usual experience is that hair loss starts at the frontal corners, and if it is still in the shedding stage, medication can be used appropriately to prevent the hair from falling out.

1.3. Grade 3 hair loss

Hairline loss is obvious, if not treated in time the hair will fall out rapidly and is very serious. The quality and quantity of donor area should be strictly considered when performing hair transplantation.

1.4. Grade 4 hair loss

There is obvious baldness on the forehead, and overall thinning of the top part of the head, but the hair is not completely lost, and some fine and soft hair is still present.

1.5. Grade 5 Alopecia

Overall loss of hair on the forehead and crown area, with a broken band in the middle and a large area of hair loss - a single surgery can establish a normal hairline and cover the hair loss on the crown area.

1.6. Grade 6 hair loss

The frontal area is lost, and there is a clear tendency for the top of the head to expand backward. Only a narrow band of hair is isolated in the center. Excessive hair requirement in the area to be covered.

1.7. Grade 7 Hair Loss

It is the most severe case in the hair loss classification, where the overall hair is only left in the back of the occipital area and a ring of hair around the ear den. Hair can be grown on the forehead and a wig worn behind the ear.

2. Female

2.1. Grade 1 Hair Loss

Thinning of the hair in front of the crown area, usually in the top center of the forehead, with an intact hairline and the ability to disguise the hair loss when changing hairstyles, this is the initial stage of hair loss.

2.2. Grade 2 Alopecia

The thinning of hair in front of the crown area is more obvious, the affected area is enlarged, the number of short hairs increases, the degree of hair loss is more serious, and the symptoms of hair loss can no longer be concealed by hairstyles.

2.3. Grade 3 Alopecia

Almost complete hair loss or nudity at the top of the head, but the frontal hairline remains intact and the patient does not have to ruffle the hair to see the scalp.

Hair loss?

Don't be afraid!

Trust Geeshair by choosing an anti-static comb to prevent hair loss from the start!

Combs with static electricity from high friction can increase hair loss. Choose a wooden comb or horn comb will reduce hair loss because sandalwood comb or horn comb will reduce the friction with the scalp, and scalp massage affects the scalp to protect the scalp, reduce hair loss, and sandalwood comb or horn comb can be based on their strength to massage the scalp, and stimulate the development of hair follicles.


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